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Guitar Dreams soundbank for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 contains 20 acoustic guitar-based patches. Evolving pads, sentimental keys and granular explorations are some of the defined features of the sounds.


The soundbank has a cinematic character and it is suitable also for post rock and ballad tracks where the guitarlike atmosphere is playing an important role in the production.


The reverb is in the aux channel of the effect rack filtered out of some and lows and highs. If you wish to add a different type of reverb outside the Omnisphere 2 synth then it is advisable (but not mandatory as in music everything is a matter of taste and the unlimited creation possibilities) to turn the aux send slider off in the effect section.


MW adds a slight vibrato, although it is very subtle in most of the presets.


Patches were created with Omnisphere 2.8 and run best with this or newer edition

  • Software 2.8.4d
  • Soundsources v2.6.1c
  • Patches v2.8.1c

Guitar Dreams - Omnisphere 2

3,50 €Price

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