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You could find the Synth Presets walkthrough video below

"The Wall" is a pack consisting of 50 flat dynamic distorted mono synths for Omnisphere 2 This one is very experimental and unique in terms of sound or how it could be used. Maybe fits better for hardstyle, EDM, experimental, dubstep but also for rock and metal genres due to its flat dynamics character. They are mono synths and almost all sounds have a distinct saturation coming usually from the ultra fast attack and slow-release tube limiter (you could listen to that easily in the release of most sounds). The dynamics are very flat in majority of presets. Sometimes 2,3 or more compressors in series are used. Playing with attack of the amp envelope may make them more edgy & sharp but check out the distortion that may come with that as it could be unwanted. Also, another good idea is to add a very wet reverb before the last limiter and experiment with new sound dimensions. If you need to clean it in terms of saturation then maybe change the limiter’s controls in more subtle settings but check out to not exceed the 0dBfs and add unwanted digital distortion. Like most of my presets I try to keep it in good gain staging using a vu meter to achieve that.


Presets were designed with Omnisphere 2.6
• Software 2.6.4d
• Soundsources v2.6.1c
• Patches v2.6.3c

The Wall - Omnisphere2

8,99 €Price

Synth Presets Walkthrough Video

Please Note

Try to keep optimal levels of your synth tracks to avoid digital clipping from the synth’s output for the best sounding results and to avoid any potential equipment damage. While designing the sounds we try to keep at a good level but as the final level is a result of many different factors e.g., how many keys are pressed and with how much velocity always try to avoid digital clipping.

Using a limiter to ensure that no digital clipping occurs is recommended to keep equipment safe.


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