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The walkthrough video is below

Darkest Equilibrium soundbank is somehow the next step from Dark Equilibrium pack for U-He Diva synthesizer. It contains 100 monophonic synths with dark analog character – classic sounding leads deriving from a previous music era.


The sounds fit to a variety of music genres like electronic (vintage and contemporary – especially for dark techno productions), sci-fi cinematic, game audio, synth-based music, progressive rock and metal and other.


In this soundbank the Midi CC2 and Midi CC11 are assigned to some aspects of the filter module. The default Midi CC2 is the breath control and Midi CC11 is the expression pedal. Breath Control is assigned to Filter FM and Expression adds resonance from the filter device. Adding resonance may add huge volume intensity to the overall volume of the synth.


The pack is coming with NKS supported presets


Presets were designed with Diva 1.4.4 (Rev.9709) and run best with this or newer edition


DIVA ® is a registered trademark of Heckmann Audio GmbH

Darkest Equilibrium - Diva

23,00 €Price

Walkthrough Video

Please Note

Try to keep optimal levels of your synth tracks to avoid digital clipping from the synth’s output for the best sounding results and to avoid any potential equipment damage. While designing the sounds we try to keep at a good level but