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Omnisphere sound library - Glass Synths

A set of atmospheric glassy sounds to add to your arsenal of instruments! You'll have 30 powerful presets that are focused on creating the atmospheric and ethereal timbres. Glass Synths is a very specific soundbank for Omnisphere 2.

They encompass this distinctive glass like sonic feeling in their sound. The result is the creation of calm and peaceful patches - great for adding some chill atmospheres.

They can also be used creatively in different contexts like for a dream sequence or as a subtle effect for dialogue.

Omnisphere is one of the most powerful synthesisers available and creating those Glass Synths are a good proof of its versatility in the sound desing field.

Ethereal synth sounds have been used in many genres of music. They are usually used to create a beautiful and dreamy atmosphere and sometimes they are used as a background or decoration to the song. The use of ethereal synth sounds in music has been popularized by artists such as Bjork, Moby and Pink Floyd among others.

A nice way of creating that type of synth sounds is the Fm synthesis method and the additive synthesis method.

Add some glassy textures to your electronic tracks or some calm feeling in your ambient productions with this small usefuls soundpack for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.

Presets walkthrough video


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