Omnisphere 2 presets - 12 Gods: Demeter
Unleash the power of the Goddess of Harvest with 12 Gods: Demeter library for Spectrasonics Omnisphere. Explore the incluede 50 poly...
Omnisphere 2 presets - 12 Gods: Demeter
12 Gods: Hermes - Omnisphere patches
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 presets - 12 Gods: Artemis
Spectrasonics Omnisphere library - 12 Gods: Aphrodite
Omnisphere 2 Presets- 12 Gods: Hephaestus
Omnisphere 2 soundset - Omnisound Unique Guitars
Omnisphere 2 Patches - Omnisound Unique Keyboards
Omnisphere 2 patches - Omnisound Leads